How Is Photogrammetry Used in Video Games?

Photogrammetry in video games

One of the lesser-known applications of photogrammetry is in video game design. Many video game developers employ this measurements-from-photos technology to create all kinds of 3D models that are then used as in-game assets. These could range from small, handheld objects such as bottles or firearms to large-scale environments such as cityscapes or mountains. There […]

Photogrammetry vs 3D Scanning

Camera and Computer

Digital 3D models are used in a variety of industries, but there is more than one method to create them from a real object or scene. Photogrammetry and 3D scanning are the two primary methods for creating these models. Whether you need 3D models for design, manufacturing, forensics, or research, below are the pros, cons, […]

Photogrammetry Applications in Aerial Photography

Drone in sky

PhotoModeler Technologies’ photogrammetry software obviously has a wide variety of real-world applications, not the least of which is in aerial photography as performed by drones and other kinds of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles). Aerial Photography in Industry Land Surveying Disaster Relief Cartography Public Safety How Aerial Photogrammetry Applies Photo Triangulation Advantages of Aerial Photogrammetry UAVs […]

Photogrammetry and Car Crashes

Depicts two cars post accident.

Among photogrammetry’s many useful applications is in the area of car crashes, specifically the reconstruction of car crashes after on-site evidence has been removed. The ability of photogrammetry to remake car accident scenes is tremendously important to the police and forensic specialists who investigate the aftermath of these kinds of events. This is because car […]

What’s Involved in Crime Scene Photography?

Perhaps one of the most valuable applications of PhotoModeler Technologies’ photogrammetry software–which lets users measure areas from photographs–is in crime scene and forensic photography. Photogrammetry software is valuable to forensic photography because the images taken by crime scene photographers must often be used to present facts about conditions, distances, and placement to a court as […]

How Does Photogrammetry Work?

Camera mobile and computer

What Is Photogrammetry? Brief History of Photogrammetry Photogrammetry Locations Photography Essentials Uses for Photogrammetry How Does Photogrammetry Actually Work? At PhotoModeler Technologies, we feel that the customers who get the most excited about our software are the ones who best understand the field of photogrammetry. This makes sense since the people with a foundational knowledge […]

Using PhotoModeler with Rhino 3D

Rhino and PhotoModeler Logos

Rhino® is a popular CAD and 3D modeling application used in many fields. PhotoModeler is a popular photogrammetry program for measuring and modeling the real world using a camera. A PhotoModeler project can be exported in the Rhino 3dm file format and further processed, or be used as the foundation for other work using Rhino’s […]