Tip 4: PhotoModeler’s 3D View Rotate and Zoom Point

To follow up on tip #3, that was on 3D viewer navigation, this tip demonstrates the very useful ability to change the rotation- and zoom-about point. When you want to study some part of your 3d model in more detail, the default centered zoom- and rotate-about point can be cumbersome. The ‘A key’ answers that. […]

Winner of PhotoModeler’s first Social Media Contest

By random draw, the winner of our first social media ‘like’ and ‘+1’ contest is Julio Cuenca Sanabria. The winner gets one year of free Maintenance Subscription for PhotoModeler Scanner (or equivalent value in discounts towards other PhotoModeler products, upgrades, etc.). No cash value. Note we will have another contest in 2012 and all still-connected […]

Amazing New PhotoModeler Examples

Our customers have shown us some very interesting projects recently. Some great PhotoModeler Examples.  First, we have a forensic application which is also an illustration of performing DSM scanning on a very small object using macro photography. One of the advantages of photo-based 3D scanning is its size independence. This example is a perfect illustration […]