Physical scale model testing of a flexible membrane wave energy converter: Videogrammetric analysis of membrane operation
Physical scale model testing of a flexible membrane wave energy converter: Videogrammetric analysis of membrane operation
12/01/2017 | Jarrah Orphin, Alan Fleming & Cam Algie
International Journal of Marine Energy
Applications: All and Engineering & Science
Renewable energy, aside from the environmental benefits, is increasingly making economic sense. Wave energy is a viable form of renewable energy. In small-scale testing of wave energy converters (WEC), a key focus is on characterising the relationship between the primary converter and simulated power take-off system. If primary conversion is via the deformation of a flexible material, this task often requires non-contact measurement. In this paper, the authors introduce the development of an underwater non-contact measurement technique called videogrammetry, and its novel application to characterise the primary converter operation of a flexible membrane WEC.