Accuracy Study on Photogrammetry of a 5m Inflatable Space Antenna With Consumer Digital Cameras
Accuracy Study on Photogrammetry of a 5m Inflatable Space Antenna With Consumer Digital Cameras
2000 | Richard S. Pappa, NASA Langley Research Center, Louis R. Giersch, George Washington University and Jessica M. Quagliaroli, University of Connecticut, USA
Applications: Accuracy, All, Engineering & Science, and Industrial Measurement
NASA’s Gossamer Spacecraft Initiative has been evaluating optical structural testing and validation, with the leading candidate technology being photogrammetry. This paper discusses photogrammetric measurements of a 5m-diameter inflatable space antenna using four Kodak DC290 (2.1 megapixel) digital cameras. The study had two objectives: to determine the photogrammetric measurement precision obtained using multiple consumer-grade digital cameras, and to gain experience with new commercial photogrammetry software packages, specifically PhotoModeler Pro from Eos Systems, Inc.