Here are some useful tips for using PhotoModeler’s table views that may not be obvious at first:
1) You can adjust the column widths at any time by dragging the column header divider lines. This change is only temporary unless you save the view. You can save the column widths to be used for future tables by right clicking on the table data and selecting “Save this table layout”.
2) You can temporarily add or remove columns to a table by right clicking on the table’s headers, or right click on the table data and choose “Column Visibility..”. This will bring up a list of all available columns, the currently displayed ones will have a check mark. You can select a column to toggle it’s displayed state. This change is only temporary unless you save the view. You can set the new column visibility to be the default for future tables by right clicking on the table data and selecting “Save this table layout”.
3) You can group rows with the same values into expandable lists. This works better with columns that have ordinal values (ie. not floating values). Right click on a column (eg. the ‘photo with the largest residual’ column) and select “Toggle Group Sorting”. To turn off, right click again and uncheck the “Toggle Group Sorting” menu item.
4) You can ‘lock’ the columns on the left side of the table so they will remain visible during horizontal scrolling. Right click on a column and select “Freeze Columns Left”. To un-lock the columns right click and choose “Unfreeze Columns”.
5) You can send the selected row data to the clipboard by right clicking on the table data and choosing “Copy row to clipboard”.
6) Tables are printed, saved to a file, or saved to the clipboard for export to Excel, by using the File menu item ‘Print or Output Open View’.