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79 articles listed in reverse chronological order. View articles by field type using links on the right.

Close Range Photogrammetry and Next Generation Spacecraft
05/01/2002 | Richard Pappa
Professional Surveyor Magazine
Applications: All, Engineering & Science, Industrial Measurement, and Magazine Articles

“I chose PhotoModeler Pro from Eos Systems Inc., of Vancouver, Canada. It proved to be easy to use and well documented. The program has worked very well from day one, and I have been very pleased with its accuracy, reliability and user friendliness.”

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High Tech for Old Houses
09/01/2001 | Jerry Laiserin, FAIA
Old House Journal
Applications: All, Architecture, and Magazine Articles

“The cold glare of a computer screen seems incompatible with the warmth that most folks associate with a fine old house. Yet recent advances in computers and related technologies are providing savvy homeowners and their architects with many new options for documenting and investigating historic buildings. With the help of these high-tech tools, you can identify existing dimensions, locate hidden problems, and assess material conditions faster, more economically, and with greater accuracy.”

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Three-dimensional morphometric measurements of reef corals using underwater photogrammetry techniques
08/11/2001 | J. Bythell, Department of Marine Sciences and Coastal Management, University of Newcastle, P. Pan, Department of Maritime Studies and International Transport, University College of Wales at Cardiff, and J. Lee, Virtually Unlimited, Kingskerswell, UK
Coral Reefs, Springer-Verlag, Issue: Volume 20, Number 3
Applications: All and Biology

The authors describe a novel technical approach to accurately measure surface area and other morphological characteristics of corals and similar irregular objects from underwater photography. A standard Nikonos camera system was used with a slide-scanner to produce multiple overlapping images of the object. PhotoModeler software was used to process the images and build a 3-D model of the object, which was subsequently analyzed using 3-D computer-aided design (CAD) packages. External link is to abstract – complete study available to members.


Measuring a Geometry by Photogrammetry: Evaluation of the Approach in View of Experimental Modal Analysis on Automotive Structures
04/30/2001 | Benoit Dierckx and Christophe De Veuster, LMS International, and Pierre-Alain Guidault, ENS Cachan
SAE 2001-01-1473
Applications: All, Forensics & Accident Recon., and Industrial Measurement

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the use of 3D photogrammetric modelling in the context of modal testing of automotive structures.

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Photogrammetric measurement of deformations of horse hoof horn capsules
2001 | P. Jordan, J. Willneff, N. D'Apuzzo, M. Weishaupt, T. Wistner, J. Auer; Department of Veterinary Surgery, University of Zurich & Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Videometrics and Optical Methods for 3D Shape Measurement, Proceeding of SPIE
Applications: All and Biology

Many equine foot problems, from foot bruising and quarter cracks to laminitis and navicular disease are either caused or worsened by the severe loads the feet experience during locomotion.”. The authors describe a system using video cameras and a force plate to determine deformation under load of a horse hoof.

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3D Measurement Accuracy of a Consumer-Grade Digital Camera and Retro-Reflective Survey Targets
2000 | Mike Fedak, InSpec Engineering Services, West Vancouver Canada
Applications: Accuracy, All, and Surveying

Mike Fedak performed a study to investigate the accuracy of a measurement system using PhotoModeler Pro, a consumer-grade digital camera, and retro-reflective targets.

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Accuracy Study on Photogrammetry of a 5m Inflatable Space Antenna With Consumer Digital Cameras
2000 | Richard S. Pappa, NASA Langley Research Center, Louis R. Giersch, George Washington University and Jessica M. Quagliaroli, University of Connecticut, USA
Applications: Accuracy, All, Engineering & Science, and Industrial Measurement

NASA’s Gossamer Spacecraft Initiative has been evaluating optical structural testing and validation, with the leading candidate technology being photogrammetry. This paper discusses photogrammetric measurements of a 5m-diameter inflatable space antenna using four Kodak DC290 (2.1 megapixel) digital cameras. The study had two objectives: to determine the photogrammetric measurement precision obtained using multiple consumer-grade digital cameras, and to gain experience with new commercial photogrammetry software packages, specifically PhotoModeler Pro from Eos Systems, Inc.

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Accident Scene Diagramming Using New Photogrammetric Technique
02/24/1997 | Stephen Fenton, Richard Kerr, Knott Laboratory, Inc.
SAE 970944
Applications: All and Forensics & Accident Recon.

One of the challenges for accident reconstructionists is creating accurate accident scene diagrams from photographs, esp when only one photograph is available, and information about the camera that took the photograph is not available. The authors present a technique that enables the user to create an accurate accident scene diagram from only one unknown photograph of the accident scene, by using a combination of processes called Inverse Camera Projection and Photographic Rectification.

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Accuracy Study Project of Eos Systems’ PhotoModeler
1995 | Dr. Klaus Hanke, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Applications: Accuracy and All

Dr. Hanke did a sample architectural-like measurement project with two different cameras a 35mm film camera scanned on a flatbed office scanner and a medium format metric camera scanned with Pro-PhotoCD.

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