
The latest tutorial and tip videos. Listed in reverse chronological order of publication.

Outline Ellipse

Create Outline Ellipse objects. [Dec 09, 2024]

Outline Rounded Rectangle

Create a set of Outline objects (four lines and four fillets) with one easy-to-use tool and a few drags. Describes how to manipulate and split, etc. [Dec 09, 2024]

Getting Started with Boat Deck Measurement

1. For those first learning to use PhotoModeler to measure boat deck panels. It takes you through a project that you can do at your office or home - so you can first learn the basics. [Oct 08, 2024]

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Other Plane Tools

Four useful tools when working with Best Fit Planes. [Jun 24, 2024]

Point Selection in Clouds

Describes the two ways you can select the points within a Point Cloud, and some examples of how to use these points. [Jun 24, 2024]

Import Pinning Examples

Shows a few examples in forensics and in boat canvas where pinning of imported objects can be used. [May 03, 2024]

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Large Template and Pattern Digitizing

A technique one can use when digitizing a 2D template or pattern when it does not fit in one photograph. [May 03, 2024]

Crush Analysis

3rd party video. This video by David Yarr of Top View Animation shows a photo-based method for estimating vehicle crush. [May 02, 2024]

Find Surface Trace Photos

Help answer, "What photo do I continue my tracing on?" when working with Outlines and Surface Draw in a multi-photo project. [May 02, 2024]

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Demonstrates how to use the Measure pane. Display various types of measurements of objects and between objects. [May 02, 2024]

Outlines - additional features

Three additional features for Outlines (multiple fillet, set radius, corner to fillet). [May 02, 2024]

Ray Pinning

Shows how to manually place, or pin to rays/2D points, a point cloud in a single photo project. [Dec 15, 2023]

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